Unveiling the Path to Impact: Thriving in Public Policy Careers

Want to have a hand in laws and regulations without running for office? Whether or not you’re studying Politics & Government at Puget Sound, public policy might be a career area of interest for you!

Public policy careers involve evaluating and refining laws and regulations, promoting positive community changes, and devising lasting solutions for societal issues. The field offers diverse roles across various sectors, including government, research, and advocacy.

Positions range from legislative aides to government affairs directors, with salaries varying based on education and experience. Effective communication, research proficiency, strategic thinking, attention to detail, policy implementation, and critical thinking are essential skills for success in this dynamic field.

Check out this comprehensive guide from Indeed Career Guide for all the details.

By Maya Herran
Maya Herran Career Advisor; Instructor: Career Awareness (EXLN 101)