Seeking career services for yourself?
- Scan the curated articles in the News & Advice section below.
- Join Logger Link to connect with other Loggers, whether you’re searching for or offering career advice.
- If you’re in pursuit of entry-level opportunities, CES may be of service…
- If you’re in need of higher-level resources and coaching, please read on…
Looking to support students’ career development?
Logger alumni are uniquely qualified to represent the potential of Puget Sound students. Here are ways to get involved:
Post entry-level opportunities
Help Loggers connect with jobs and internships! Refer hiring managers to to recruit students & recent grads for part-time, full-time, temporary, and seasonal roles.
Are you Logger Linked?
Logger Link, Puget Sound’s Mentorship Network, is where career-minded students and alumni can go to share advice, encouragement, and networking connections — Logger to Logger.
Attend career-related Logger events
Meet talented students (potential future hires?), share stories and tips, and help students gain networking experience. Ready to get involved? Please reach out to Alumni and Parent Relations: