If you’re exploring career options and industries, it’s important to take time to reflect on your interests, passions, and skills. Consider what truly excites and motivates you, and think about how you can align that with the descriptions provided for various industries.
Explore different industries through research, informational interviews, job shadowing, or internships to gain firsthand insights. Keep an open mind and be willing to explore new avenues, as your career journey may take unexpected turns.
Remember, finding the right fit often involves a combination of self-discovery, exploration, and taking calculated risks. Trust in your abilities and embrace the process of exploring different industries to find the path that resonates with your unique aspirations and goals.
Ready to start exploring? Here are some ways to get started:
- Meet with a career advisor
- Use Logger Link to learn about alumni career paths
- Head to the Logger Career Resources page to:
- Research careers with PathwayU
- Take assessments (PathwayU & TruMotivate)
- Find out What Can I Do With This Major?
- Attend career-related events
- Enroll in a Career Development Course