Want to strengthen your skills and learn new or better ways to support your student staff members?
Career and Employment Services (CES) is committed to ensuring that supervisors of student staff have the resources and opportunities to grow in their supervision skills.
By participating in professional development that strengthens your supervisory skills, you can demonstrate your dedication to providing an employment experience to students that is rewarding, promotes growth, and leads to better student employment outcomes.
Our team is available for direct consultation should you have interest in talking through a specific challenge or opportunity. We also invite you to share requests for future professional development offerings. Send an email to ces@pugetsound.edu to get connected!
Below are descriptions of professional development training sessions that are regularly offered. Visit the sign up form to see the schedule of upcoming sessions, and to RSVP.
Facilitated by Elizabeth Wormsbecker, Assistant Director of Student Employment Programs, Training, and Development
Looking for tools to help you interview or orient student staff members to your department? Have you worried that you’re missing hiring timelines? Perhaps you haven’t had time to dig in to all of the information available about student staff supervision…
Take this opportunity to gather with other supervisors — including those who are new to supervision and those who’ve been in the game for a while. We’ll discuss everything from interviewing, hiring, and establishing (or re-establishing) expectations with students, to navigating processes and timelines that are unique to student employment at Puget Sound.
Facilitated by Elizabeth Wormsbecker, Assistant Director of Student Employment Programs, Training, and Development and Maya Herran, Career Advisor
Compass Puget Sound is an award-winning program of brief, structured, reflective conversations between student staff members and their supervisors. These conversations are designed to help students connect the skills and knowledge they gain at work with their classroom experiences, co-curricular activities, and career goals.
At Puget Sound, these reflective conversations are also causing students to increase their level of engagement in their on-campus jobs — having a positive impact on students’ experience while benefiting departments who’ve adopted the practice.
This session will introduce you to Compass Puget Sound and equip you with strategies and skills to facilitate meaningful reflection with students. There will also be time to plan and discuss how to work conversations into the structure of your particular work environment.
Facilitated by members of the Trans Awareness and Inclusion Committee (TAIC)
All staff are invited to this training about the realities, experiences, and needs of transgender and non-binary students at Puget Sound — and how we as a campus community can welcome, support, and include them in the full life of the college!
This interactive workshop will include space to explore the complex relationships between gender, sexuality, and identity; the various ways people may use pronouns; the needs and concerns that have emerged from the experiences of students (and faculty and staff!) over the last several years; the cultural and social considerations needed to create an hospitable and inclusive campus; and the importance of names, self-definition, and fluidity as we all live into who we are becoming.
Course Topics:
- The gender binary (and thinking beyond it!)
- Pronoun and name usage
- “Ungendering” language
- On- and off-campus resources to support trans and non-binary students